
Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I did it.  I got a blog.  I created a blog.  I am blogging.  So far, so good.

Let me tell you, this hasn’t been easy.  I started thinking about writing a blog last spring and even played around with blogger for a bit.  I came up with my blog name, colors, added gadgets, etc.  Then I got cold feet.  What if no one reads my blog?  What if I can’t think of anything to say?  What if I say something stupid?

So, I did nothing.  Every now and then I’d think about blogging again.  I LOVE to read blogs and I enjoy the inspiration they give me.  But I still kept talking myself out of joining in on the fun.

THEN, I read Shelley’s post two weeks ago on her blog, The House of Smiths.  She talked about taking risks and challenged us readers to quit being a roadblock to ourselves and just go for it already.  Shelley ended her post with this little thought:

“Okay.  I’ll think about trying something new,” I told myself.  “Someday I will”.  

In the back of my mind for the last two weeks has been the notion of starting that blog that I’ve been writing in my head for the last year.  Of believing in myself enough to go ahead and do it.

Then on Sunday, Shelley announced that she was creating a photo-a-day linky party each month with the photo-a-day challenge from Fat Mum Slim.  Well, the first step to joining that linky party is to “write a post on YOUR blog about your photo-a-day challenge for the month and publish it”.  Since I’d really like to participate in Shelley’s party, I decided to use this challenge as a catalyst and start a blog.   

I will post about my experience with the February photo-a-day challenge and I'll then be able to join Shelley's party at the end of February!  I’ll also communicate about a variety of topics that I hope you’ll find interesting, or inspiring, or funny, or at least worth your precious time.

So here’s to a New Day!  Thanks to Shelley for the inspiration, and thanks to you for reading!



  1. Love the blog! Looking forward to the pics and the assorted communications!

  2. I'm participating in mumslims photo a day and got your link from the list of them! Liking what I see! Good luck on the challenge!


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