
Saturday, February 11, 2012

If You're Happy and You Know It

My Fiesta coffee mugs make me happy! Yep, you guessed's photo prompt is "makes you happy."

I've had these Java mugs for a couple of years now and every time I open the cupboard to grab one (which we all know is at LEAST once a day for that morning cup of joe), I can't help but smile.  I love all of the bright, bold colors. 

And of course, the cupboard always looks like this.  If the handles aren't all turned the same way then mama's not happy.  (wink, wink)

1 comment:

  1. I love your mugs Catherine, they are sooo cool. The bright colours are fantastic. I especially like that the handles all have to face the same way - so glad I'm not the only one that likes symetry (my partner tells me it's borderline OCD when he wants to stir me up...LOL).

    PS: Thank you for the lovely comments left on my blog. G.


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