
Thursday, March 22, 2012

The World Will Be Watching least my son, daughter and I will be!


At The Hunger Games Pre-Screening!!


As soon as the movie date was released my daughter began her campaign to persuade me to take her to the midnight showing of The Hunger Games.

Yeah, right.

I'm pretty sure I couldn't make it to (or through) a midnight showing of anything these days.  When I was 12 - absolutely!  Now?  Out of the question.

Thanks to some friends of ours, I was able to get tickets to the pre-screening!  To see the movie before midnight!  At a reasonable hour actually.  Now I'm the hero, and we'll be among the first to see this highly-anticipated film.

The main character in The Hunger Games is Katniss Everdeen.  Here are some photos of my daughter as Katniss this past Halloween:

Today's photo challenge prompt is "kitchen sink" which has absolutely nothing to do with The Hunger Games.  I'll share that photo tomorrow when I write about our kitchen remodel.

Until then, have a fantastic day, and 

"May the odds be ever in your favor."

(That's a quote from the book and movie!  If you haven't read the book yet - DO SO!
And read it before you see the movie.  Movies are never as good as the book.)



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