
Thursday, April 26, 2012

And the Award Goes To...

Liebster is the German word for beloved/dear/favorite.  The Liebster Blog Award is "passed from one blog to another to honor smaller blogs (those with less than 200 followers) that deserve recognition for their fabulous blogging abilities."

The lovely Stephanie over at From IceCream to BellyRings has graciously given Hello, New Day this award!  I am honored and tickled pink that she considers my new blog worthy of this recognition.  Thank you, Stephanie!

Once awarded the Liebster, the recipient may:

Post the award on their blog;
Choose 5 blogs (with less than 200 followers) to give the Liebster Blog Award to;
Link back to the blog who gave them the Liebster, and
List 5 random facts about themselves.

So without further adieu, I award the Liebster Blog Award to:

Claire of A Little Something in the Meantime
Ruby of Fuchsia Vision
Megan of Splendid Design

These 3 blogs definitely deserve the Liebster Blog Award in recognition of their fabulous blogging abilities.  I chose only 3 recipients because most of the blogs I read have more than 200 followers!  

And now...5 random facts about me (Spoiler Alert if you watch Desperate Housewives and are not caught up to present!):
  1. I was a dinner guest at a Mardi Gras Party and was seated with Stevie Wonder, at a table next to Quincy Jones.
  2. I would love to live in a hotel.
  3. I cried when Mike was killed on Desperate Housewives.
  4. Nothing frustrates me more than being stuck in traffic.
  5. I have a fear of heights.  A few years ago I made myself go to the top of the St. Louis Arch.  I was proud of myself, but it didn't cure my fear.
Thank you again, Stephanie, for this award, and thank YOU for stopping by!



  1. Thank you SO much for the nomination, Catherine! That was so sweet of you!

    It may take a little while for me to follow up with it on my blog but I appreciate that you picked a little something in the meantime . . . as one of your 5!

    Have a lovely weekend!


  2. Awww great post and how in the heck did you get to do ALL this awesome stuff?! Lol. Nice!

  3. Thank you Catherine. You sure made my day. I really appreciate the fact that you found the blog worthy of this award. Hope you had a great weekend.


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