
Monday, June 4, 2012

The Bee's Knees - June 4

A Cute Place to Make Stuff - Raising Up Rubies

There are so many creative blogs nowadays, sharing so many fun projects that I enjoy looking at and that inspire me.  And every now and then I come across a project that takes my breath away.  I love to share these projects with you - they're just too good to miss!  This week's featured project comes from Jaime over at Raising Up Rubies.  She transformed her formal living room (which is just off the kitchen) into an unbelievable craft room.  EVERYTHING in the room is beautifully done.

You've got to click over to her post about this room and check out all of the amazing details.  She shares over 30 photos of this fun space, including a fantastic idea for customizing standard bookcases.  Also, her sewing tabletop is soooooo creative and cute.

I could go on and on about Jaime's cute place to make stuff, but I'll let you see for yourself why I think her craft room is absolutely The Bee's Knees.  Thank you so much for stopping by!  I'll see you here tomorrow for a new segment of Tuesday's with Matt.


1 comment:

  1. I love this soooo much! Totally jealous. Inspiration for my own future place!


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